A. Questions

List the critically important questions that need to be asked during the interview. If you use the questions in the sections in this workbook, only include those noted to be critically important. Furthermore include those for which you have a low confidence, at present, but for which you believe the respondents will have sufficient information.


B. Auditing the Outline

Not all questions are properly phrased or of sufficient importance to be included. During a 45 minute interview only a small number of questions can be effectively covered usually less than 12. Most questions are followed up for more detailed explanation. This requires more time. Remember that this is a discussion outline, not a multiple choice questionnaire.

1. Reduce of surrogate questions

Surrogate questions are used when the interviewer does not wish to ask a direct question. Avoid surrogates at all costs. They tend not to be useful. If you have a question, ask it. Remove or rephrase all surrogate questions to get at the real issues of interest.

2. Identify the use for every question

The response to every question must have a use. Any question for which there is no well defined use or action should be eliminated. Uses includes knowing: (1) how to change the product, (2) how to market to this customer, (3) how to group customers, and (4) what new products would appeal to this customer.

3. Expand of discrete questions

Simple multiple choice responses should be expanded to allow for explanation or further opinions. Expand to allow for ideal possibilities and alternatives.

4. Remove of non-critical questions

Review the questions again and eliminate any non-critical questions.

C. Prioritized Outline

Prioritize the list of questions in order of their importance. The order of presentation usually follows its own logic and that of the respondent. However, if concepts are to be reveal during the interview, questions referring to them should be placed at the end of the interview. This is to avoid biasing responses to present practices.


D. Verify that the Discussion Outline will Meet Objectives

Review the questions and verify that the discussion outline meets the project objectives. Questions that are not targeted to the objectives and not absolutely critical should be eliminated. If the discussion outline does not meet objectives return to the beginning and reenter missed questions and continue through the process.